Developer Experience

What Is Developer Experience? - Adam Wathan (Tailwind CSS) and Lee Robinson (Vercel)

Algolia Season 1 Episode 1
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00:00 | 41:03

In this first episode, we dive deeper into what is developer experience with Adam Wathan from Tailwind Labs and Lee Robinson from Vercel. Why did developer experience become so important? Concretely, what does it mean and how do you achieve it? Sarah Dayan chats with our 2 guests to uncover what makes awesome DX, what are the best examples out there, and how they imagine the future.

  • Adam Wathan is the creator of Tailwind CSS, one of the most popular and the fastest growing CSS framework, which popularized utility-first CSS. He has since then founded his own company, Tailwind Labs, where he builds the best tools for CSS developers.
  • Lee Robinson is the Head of Developer Relations at Vercel, the company behind Next.js, which is rapidly becoming the most popular React-based framework out there. He’s built tons of learning material, including blog posts and courses, and you can always count on his video tutorials to learn how to build anything with Next.

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